Employee Recognition Programs

Star Awards


The STAR Awards recognize individuals who have contributed to fulfilling the company’s mission and vision, and whose behaviors go “above and beyond” to reflect our company values.

We look forward to celebrating and recognizing future recipients that go
"above and beyond" to ensure our company's success. Take a look at previous
Star Award events.

Round of Applause

When employees demonstrate our values, we want to recognize them. Download a nomination form and tell us about an employee who deserves a round of applause.

Employee of the Month

We want to acknowledge employees whose work ethic supports our company's mission and vision and whose behaviors clearly reflect our values of respect, integrity, teamwork, excellence, compassion and professionalism.

Pick your theme color based upon your division colors.

Employee Value Examples

Respect  |  We treat people as they want to be treated, showing regard for their rights and privacy.

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Katie Witherspoon, AHC VanAyer
Katie uses the OnShift tool to keep her community staffed while being sensitive to employee’s needs for work/life balance. That’s something she knows all too well…. she’s taking care of her family, works full-time at AHC VanAyer AND is earning her RN license.

✅ Katie illustrates Respect by continually listening to her staff for work/life balance challenges.


Taylor Whift
Taylor is nice to every one and picks up extra shifts at work.

❌ This example doesn't give a measurable outcome of how the employee showed Respect.

Integrity  |  We emphasize honesty, fairness and doing what’s right in every situation.

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Jen Grimes, American Health Partners
Jen has been a vital team member in meeting compliance deadlines as well as creating pristine reports for various required audits. Her attention to detail is truly exceptional. She ensures there are no errors or mistakes. She’s committed to doing the right thing even when it is not the easiest thing to do.

✅ Jen illustrates Integrity by ensuring her reports are accurate and does the right thing when no one is watching.


Count Swagula
Count ensures his numbers are accurate for his reports.

❌ This example doesn't give a measurable outcome of how the employee showed Integrity.

Teamwork  |  We work collaboratively to improve processes, resolve problems and reward results.


Samantha Hypes, Tennessee Quality Care
With Samantha's leadership, private duty nursing has grown to more than 85 patients and 9 offices. Samantha and her team are working 80–plus referrals on a weekly basis with more coming in daily. Samantha's passion for Private Duty patient care is pushing this business forward and positioning us for future growth.

✅ Jessica illustrates Teamwork by reinforcing the company's vision to create a culture where everyone is willing to pitch in
to get the work done and grow the business.


Opra Windfury
Opra is nice to all her co-workers in other departments.

❌ This example doesn't give a measurable outcome of how the employee showed Teamwork.

Professionalism  |  We perform our duties with skill and good judgment that meets the highest business standards.


Greg Lovering, AHC Cumberland
Greg has worked tirelessly to create a tool that efficiently tracks timely physician visits and ensures our facilities
follow CMS Regulations. The tool also makes sure we’re meeting Joint Commission standards and receiving our full
clinical reimbursement. With Greg’s tool, AHC Cumberland's compliance rate jumped to 100% and has remained there.

✅ Greg demonstrates Professionalism by following through on our company's expectations and invented a business
tool to execute requirements.


Shaquille Oatmeal
Shaquille wears really cool sneakers to work. He likes to chat with other employees about his sneakers. He is so nice.

❌ This example doesn't give a measurable outcome of how the employee showed Professionalism.

Compassion  |  We respond to those who need help with sensitivity, empathy and a positive attitude.

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Mary Talley, Unity Psychiatric Care
Mary has brought an inspiring can-do spirit to her role as the Intake Coordinator at Unity Huntsville. Mary sees the census as the number of people we can help and reminds everyone this is why we are here… even on the toughest days. Her compassion is exceptional as she walks families through the most difficult moment of their lives. Her stellar work is key to our growing census.

✅ Mary increases census through her Compassion shown to families during difficult times.



Danny DoRito
Danny is a great listener. He is so awesome.

❌ This example doesn't give a measurable outcome of how the employee showed Compassion.

Excellence  |  We hold ourselves to the highest standards, aspiring to zero defects in every task.


Jessica Burke, AmPharm
Jessica has led the charge to successfully convert AmPharm to a new drug wholesaler and integrate a new pharmacy dispensing software. She also updated all policies and procedures in Mississippi to improve the way we serve our customers.

✅ Jessica illustrates Excellence by continually improving policies and procedures for the company. 

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Zac Browning
Zac smiles when he comes to work and is very happy.

❌ This example doesn't give a measurable outcome of how the employee showed Excellence.

Need help? Email us

We're here to help you with any questions you may have about recognizing fellow employees.
Let us know how we can help.